1. Introduction
2. Overview
2.a Hero Skills
3. Skill Build
4. Overview on Items
4.a Item Build
5. Drafting
1. Introduction
Kunka is a strong carry and his impact on the game cannot be underestimated. He has low survivable rate in a gank and due has low hp but he can deal a great amount of damage which can almost whip out opponents. Even thought its hard to farm he is very fun to play and is extremely effective in gank and can turn easily defeat into victory if used properly.
2. Hero Overview
Strength: 21 +2.7 gain each level
The strength at first is low but at higher level it can be fixed but good gain per level.

Agility: 14 +1.3 gain each level
The Agility is low but it however doesn't matter much for heroes like kunka.

Intelligence: 16 +1.5 gain each level
The Intelligence is almost good but their would be lot of lack of mana in early games.
Affiliation: Sentinel
Damage: 47 - 57
Attack Animation: 0.3 / 0.4
Base Attack Time: 1.7
Armor: 2.6
Casting Animation: 0.4 / 0.51
Movement speed: 300
Missile Speed: Instant
Attack Type: Melee
Attack Range: 128
Sight Range (Day/Night): 1800 / 800
+ Changes the game if used rperly
+ Fun to play
+ Disables of .5-1 second
+ Excellent initiator in gank
+ Excellent lane control
+ Very good farming potential
+ Can be used to play both solo or dual lane
+ Deals massive amount of damage in AOE
- Doesn't possess any real escape mechanism
- Has slow attack speed
- Requires lot of practice
- Is hard to use
- Needs a farm to become carry in late game
2.a Hero's Skills

Using his unparalleled knowledge of the sea, Kunkka is able to summon a blast of water at a targeted area. After 2 seconds a fierce torrent of water erupts from the ground, the stream blasting enemies caught in the AoE into the sky, dealing damage and slowing movement speed by 30%.
Ability Type: Active
Targeting Type: Area
Hot-key: E
Mana Cost: 120
Area Of Effect: 225
Casting Range: 1500
Damage type: Magic
Damage Dealt: 120/180/240/300
Length Of Slow: 1/2/3/4
Disabling period: 1.5 secs
Cool Down: 12 secs

Daelin's legendary sword Tidebringer is infused with the very power of the sea. Akin to the ebb and flow, Tidebringer passively grants the hero increased damage and large AoE cleave for a single strike every once in awhile.
Ability Type: Passive
Targeting Type: N/A
Hot-key: D
Mana Cost: N/A
Area Of Effect: 380/420/460/500
Casting Range: 1500
Damage type: Magic
Damage Dealt: +15/30/45/60
Cool Down: 16/12/8/4 secs

In order to make an assembly for his troops, Admiral Proudmore targets a hero and marks its current position on the ground. After a few seconds, the hero will instantly return to the mark.
Ability Type: Active
Targeting Type: UnitHot-key: X
Mana Cost: 80/90/100/110
Effect: Returns the target after 1/2/3/4 sec
Casting Range: 500/650/800/950
Cool down: 30 secs
Returns the target to the X
Ability Type: Active
Targeting Type: InstantAbility Hotkey: R
Mana Cost: 50
Ability Type: Active
Targeting Type: InstantAbility Hotkey: R
Mana Cost: 50
Effect: Returns the target Immediately
Cool Down: 5 secs

The admiral summons the mythical ghost ship S.S. CoCo to the battlefield. Allies are doused in Captain CoCo's Rum, inebriating them for 10% bonus movespeed and numbness to incoming damage, causing them to feel only half of the pain now and half after the Rum wears off. Enemies, pirates and scurvy knaves are dashed on the rocks for damage and a brief stun when the ship crashes.
Ability Type: Active
Targeting Type: Self/Allies/Enemies
Hot-key: T
Mana Cost: 100/200/250
Casting Range: 1000
Area Of Effect: 400
Duration: 5/6/7 secs
Damage: 300/400/500 crash damage
Effect: 1.2 seconds stun,10% bonus ms,half damage taken when attacked by enemy anothe half takes place when effect wears off
Cool Down: 90 secs
3. Skill Build
Level 1 - Torrent/Tidebringer
Level 2 - Tidebringer/Torrent
Level 3 - Tidebringer
Level 4 - Torrent
Level 5 - Tidebringer
Level 6 - Ghost Ship
Level 7 - Tidebringer
Level 8 - Torrent
Level 9 - Torrent
Level 10 - X Marks The Spot/Stats
Level 11 - Ghost Ship
Level 12 - X Marks The Spot
Level 13 - X Marks The Spot
Level 14 - X Marks The Spot
Level 15 - Stats/X Marks The Spot
Level 16 - Ghost Ship
Level 17-25 - Stats
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