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A very fun and versatile hero that can def help u win games!
Statis trap
Remote Mines
Skill order
Land mines
Land mines
Land mines
Remote Mines
Land mines
Statis trap
Remote Mines
Statis trap
Statis trap
Statis trap
Remote mines
stats max
You always here people say dont skill suicide. Well i could write down all the posibilities of what to skill first for technies but thats too much work so i will explain it. Ive tried it all, skilling suicide first or statis trap and recently im skilling stats first. All along with landmines ofcourse. The landmines are you biggest weapon early on. From my own experience i can tell that it doesnt matter a whole lot what u skill early on between suicide stats or statis trap. For statis trap u need a good team or atleast a good lane mate that can kill them that early with a statis trap. Downside to this is that its costs more mana which tecnies doesnt have a lot in the beginning, he needs his mana for land mines. Upside to stats is u get a bit more life and larger mana pool in early game, down side is ... u dont have statis trap or suicide, its passive. Means u focus only on your landmines. Why skill suicide, because it can help u prevent from dying to the enemy and even get away with a kill instead. U sometimes get the chance to suicide for a double kill and a lot of creeps. Which will give u a lot of gold. Its another oppertunity for first blood. If your team is really sucking in early game and they need u badly to help kill em. U can suicide in teambattle and try to dmg as many as possible and let your team finish off the rest. Downside to this is u sometimes tend to overuse it which will delay your experience gaining.
So imo there is not really a best skill besides landmines for early game because the landmines are your primary focus anyway.
Early game:
Buy a tp and lay mines for fb. TP fast because u have to lay 4 mines with cd of 25 sec on landmines. Make sure u stack the mines right on top of eachother if u lane 1 mine a bit off chances are hes gonna hit 1 mine and know that there are more mines there. So stack em properly. If u dont get fb its not a problem because sooner or later u will either get a kill from it or an assist or u can kill creeps with it. U can try and last hit with technies but its hard and u might annoy your mate with fucking up last hits ;D. U can lay a landmine on lvl 1 -2 -3 if u can get 2 creeps to die with it. And just farm from lvl 5 with your landmines. If there is a meatwagon lay a mine on that.
With lvl 7 landmines u hit 1 creep thats not being attack by your own creeps yet. Then u lay a mine and hit the last melee creep thats undamaged. And ur autoattack will kill the last range creep with 1 hit. This way u can farm all creeps with 1 mine.
U can try and place some remote mines on your own lane if they dont have wards or a brain, but early game i prefer landmines because they deal more dmg then remote mines.
Starting items:
This is what i always get for starting items on a side lane. U can get soulring, im always making sure we have a chicken cause need to get a bottle after this.
Arround lvl 6-7 u need the have the following items too.
The bottle works great with the soulring because if u activate the soulring u lose hp but gain some mana for 10 sec. So u can use the bottle to restore ur health and mana. Imba combo for technies. Another good thing about a bottle for technies is that it forces u to leave the lane and go take some runes and ull have your chance to lay mines arround the map.
Where to lay mines when you are on a side lane?
For fb on sentinel
For FB if u know the gonna creep block. U can do the other side when your on scourge. Be fast with tp u need to walk further.
For fb on scourge
Also for fb on scourge, and dont hestitate to mine this spot again later. Its an easy spot to mine and people will walk there again.
For lane kills when you are on scourge, u can plant these mines later at lvl 3-4-5 or so.
Protect yourself from gangs when you play on this side for the scourge or sentinel.
Lay mines here if you are on scourge, they will leave the lane sometime and when they do.....
If they are gonna pull or have a woods hero.
U can only place these mines when you are on the sentinel ... u can place the same way when you are on the scourge on the top lane.
Lay mines here for fb attempt or simply later and go pull, also protects from gangs.
Mid game mining:
A spot with crossings works really well. Chances are increased for someone walking there. Mine here especially if you are playing on scourge. It prevents gangs or people looking for rune or special shop, or simply just going from top to down.
This is my favorite mining spot when im playing on the scourge. I will guarantee u this will get u a kill. Also if they have a gem place mines here cause its arround corners and up a hill they wont see it.
Mines arround a corner and a place where peolpe will walk pretty often.
For river whores. U can place these mines when playing on scourge or sentinel
Mine the special shop, do it like this at an intersection. Higher chance of someone walking over it. U can do the same with the special shop on scourge
Its in the shades it will kill the gem carrier!!! DUHH
Place on the little ramp so they wont see if the come from lower.
More shades.
Up the hill.
Mines in the shade and close to mid lane
Close to mid lane and up a hill.
In the shades and basically on the mid lane. So this is a nice spot when your playing for the sentinel.
Protect yourself vs wood gangs by laying mines on the hill, or if your on scourge protect the rune.
Landmines, what it comes down to:
On your lane u try to get fb and get a starting ammount of gold. You protect your lane against gangs and try to get a kill on your lane. After that its always good to mine arround runes and rivers cause there is still a lot of ganking going arround. But the more it comes to late game the more u should focus on mining spots close to the mid lane. Like i mentioned earlier what my favorite mining spot was? That i what i mean with close to the mid lane. Mid lane is where the most heroes will come over the course of mid and late game.
You have to notice if you are winning or losing the game, cause most of the places i showed u above can be used for both scourge and sentinel. Doesnt matter on what side u are playing but the key is to notice if you have to defend your base and woods against ganks or if u are winning a lot and u have to play agressive.
Core items:
Travels is needeed cause technies can push faster then any other hero. 1 remote will kill all creeps. You can outfarm everyone when u have travels but u have to make sure that u dont get ganged all the time if u go travels first right after a bottle. Cause u are still weak against lets say a charge from bara.
Guinsoo is core because you are support and u have support your team with disable, HEX. It gives you enough mana regen for the rest of the game and u can use it to save yourself while being ganked. Hex ... run juke juke tp. Also gives a bit more hp. And if ur outplaying other team u can even get kills now by hexing someone arround a stun mine and just kill em.
Agha is core in a game with atleast decent players, if u can get it arround min 20 thats great, cause then u can really dominate the game. Use it to plant 1 remote in teambattles and u will help so much u wont believe it. U can now also use remote mines on lanes and even in woods since it only takes a few remotes to kill someone. In the beginning of the game you shouldnt waste planting to many remotes since landmines deal more dmg have no time limit on it and are easier to plant cause they are mostly off lanes.
Highly recommanded:
if u wanna be in battle its best to have manta so you have better odds at surviving. They tend to care less about technies in the first place but when u use manta its gonna be even more trouble to kill u so its just not worth the effort, it gives stats and some nice ms. And if u make to late game its gonna be good with mkb and buriza and shit. U can also use it to dodge venge stun and mirana arrow and stuff... if u are fighting 1v1 it will buy u time to fight arround a stun mine before it activates. ur images attack while u plant a land and a remote.
Other recommanded items:
For fun, if u have people infront of u tanking.
For fun, or if they have low hp heroes.
If u have a bad farm, this is a good option.
In case of a bad farm, for fun or against a really nasty gem.
I see plenty of people with orchid first, its has upsides and downsides.
-Easy get cause it comes in smaller parts.
-Gives lots of regen early and larger mana pool early on.
-Lots of dmg increase for early game so u can actually last hit pretty good and maybe get a kill.
-What are u gonna get for health regen?Its gonna cost a lot together and a soul ring will make orchid expendable.
-Its not a real disable and not a real dmg dealer like buriza or mkb.
-If ur gonna get agha with orchid its gonna be a lot later before u have agha and maybe u should skip agha and go for a farming / combat technies.
if u have problems surviving in late game and u have an orb like mjollnir.
Great team item always good to get.
Armor which technies can use.
Good on any hero, allows u to farm creeps with landmines too.
For max crit ofcourse on late game technies!
If your playing vs pa or riki in late game.
What is a combat technies without satanic? Provides armor hp and lifesteal.
A little bit of everything and u get slow!
In case of a bad farm or if the game is gonna be over soon, this will help u survive against pa and bara.
For the people that have no life!
THe new arcane boots arent in it cause i dont have a picture, ive tried them out. I dont like it, its mainly a larger mana pool the refersh of mana is kinda useless. Travels should still be your core item.
Late game is when u have guinsoo travels agha. U can now imba farm and push. U should focus on helping the team and your own farm. If you decide to place landmines make sure its 7-8 landmines on a spot and u can only mine 2 spots. Cause if they have a tank they run over 4-5 mines well.... waste of time. Also pick a mining spot close to the mid lane since this is the area thats being visited most. Your biggest weapon is now your stun mine. Plant them in every teamfight and u will win da game or your team is total noob!
Combo's with technies:
The bazooka! Tiny tosses technies to the enemy and KABOOM SUICIDE = kill.
What people tend to forget is.... u can also toss the enemy onto technies. Just make sure that technies is standing on the landmines. Key for this to work is a good tiny tosser!I believe tiny's toss range has been increased so this should work even better now.
Stand on the landmines and swap the enemy hero.
To increase your succes rate:
Use vacuum to get 1 or more heroes on a mining spot. Or use surge for suicide or a quick mine on a stunned hero.
Hook enemies onto the mines! Work good for technies and pudge! Pudge relies a lot on experience and technies on getting some kills over landmines.
To increase succes rate for this combo:
For massive farming and mine placing! Use ezalor to provide mana for both.
U can also skill statis trap with this because have more then enough mana it works well with ezalors spell.
For increased succes rate:
How to take care of the gem:
U dont need to buy a forcestaff to get rid of it. Here are several ways to get rid of a gem:
-Gank him with the full team.
-Place mines in shades and on top of hills.
-Buy a forcestaff and force him into your mines.
Most of the time when people get a gem its already a bit late, u will probably already have travels and agha so u can imba farm and push and defend etc.
If u have to defend in base against a gem, i recommand u would already have defensive mines in shades of your woods near the base. Place mines land and or remotes depending on how much time you have to place everything and what lvl u are. And also place stun mines everywhere besides right infront of the tower. Place em next to your tower and behind it. Let aoe heroes defend and just turtle it.
Woods technies:
U can still get the same starting items, and still put mines down for fb attempt. After that u have to take a neutrals creep spot with the larger creeps with 1100 hp. Double spawn that like 5-6 times and lay 4-5 mmines on 1 spot. Carefully pull those creeps to you and wait a bit.. take a bit dmg and make sure the entire group of neutrals gets hit. Its oke if a few dont die u can still lay 1 more mine on the neutral spot afterwords. In between u can pull a bit so u can a few lvls till lets say lvl 3. Buy a bottle and boots and be on your way. After this first pulling u can pull the spot closest to the rune with the medium sized neutrals. (wolf and ogres). Pull that a couple of times and place 2 mines. While pulling these creeps u can pull towards the river and place a few mines there to try and get extra hero kill. Dont be afraid to expirement. I havent done a lot of this yet but it works quite well just practice it a few times and youll be fine.
Extra technies stuff:
How to save mana?
Before you use your soulring drop some int items that increase your mana pool, then use soulring and pick em back up after. Same goes with clarities.
Use remote mines to ward rune spots.
Eul's scepter
Cast it on a hero place a mine under him and boom.
Dagger and euls scepter
Dagger can be used for quick mining on stunned heroes, for quick perfectly placed stun mines in teambattles. If u also happen to have euls scepter u can use that onyourself and then dagger out and start juking.
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