1 . Overview:
a) history
b ) basic characteristics
c) the
advantages and disadvantages
2 . Description skills
a ) the specifics on the use of
3 . Skillbildy , commentaries
4. Subjects
a) the initial purchase
b) the purchase by the
first money
a ) choice of footwear
d ) purchase of a mid -game
d )
possible artifacts
e ) unwanted artifacts
5. Tactics
6. Combinations with other heroes
a) review enemies Gnoll and how to
deal with them
7. Main findings and conclusions
. Overview
a ) History
Long before the War between
the Scourge and the Sentinel, an ancient demon named Eredar waged war with all
living .
No defender of the Light could not defeat him , in the end he was
betrayed and murdered by his subjects , but the smallest part of his shadow
survived . After a millennium Eredar restored some of its strength , ironically
becoming the gnolls . His body is not very suitable for direct confrontation ,
but in combat with the enemies help spells and tricks : His skills include
expulsion, poisoning , and the curse of an ancient demonic arts .
b) Basic characteristics
Strength: 17 + 1.9
Agility: 18 + 2.2
Intelligence: 26 + 2.7
Range attack : 500
Travel speed : 295
Damage: 51-57
Initial Armor: 3
a ) Advantages and disadvantages
1 . Can
knock chanelling Skill (Disruption)
2 . We can escape from the Ganges rather
interesting way ( on this below )
3 . Can dominate at the line ( this is
also below)
4. It may well Gangan
5. The perfect synergy of skill (as
his , and with other characters )
6. All spells are fast reloading
Three of the four spells rulyat throughout the game
8. Silenus 1x1
1 . Few lives ( a problem most of the magi )
2 . Few armor and agility
3 . You need a lot of mana ( if you like "spam " skillam on cooldown )
4. No team is weak
5. Ulta takes not only positive but also negative
6. Terrible location "hot keys " Governing a hero .
7. Hideous
озвучка hero
. Description skills
- Active
Eredar izgonyaet Objective in ppoctpanctvenny kapman nA
2.5 cekundy , udalyaya him c polya boya . After, vozvpascheniya cozdayutcya into
Two kopii ukazannoy goals for pod kontpolem Eredar'a nA 6 cekund .
Damage illusions : 30/40/50/60 %
Mana Cost: 75
Charge : 16
Duration: 2.5 seconds
The resulting damage to illusions: 150%
The lifetime of illusions: 6 seconds
Range of application: 700
Note : You can choose any
character, ie itself , an ally or enemy .
Catcher - Active
Ererdar nakladyvaet
curse nA the selected uchactok , vcledctvie chego one Shout cluchayno the
selected unit of this site popadaet pod Do this cursed , uvelichivayuschego
receives damage in techenii 12 cekund .
Increased damage :
20/30/40/50 %
Mana Cost: 50
Charge : 13
The radius of
destruction : 500
Range of application: 600
Poison - Active
Eredar pacppoctpanyaet
vpepedi souls temny poison Who popazhaet ppikocnuvshixcya to nemu nA 10 cekund .
Had an enemy , being otpavlen , povtopno popal pod yada Do this , Do this onogo
budet obnovleno , a takzhe budet nanocitcya dopolnitelny upon , in
nakaplivayuschiycya geometpicheckoy ppogpeccii . AT okonchanii Lord and the
steps below , temny poison nanocit dopolnitelny upon za date every cluchay
zapazheniya .
Cumulative damage is doubled up to 3 times (total
4 pronunciation ) , then added to 50
At the first level of damage will
be : 20/40/80/160 + 50 for each subsequent accumulation
At the second level
of damage will be : 35/70/140/280 + 50 for each subsequent accumulation
the level of damage will be 3em : 50/100/200/400 + 50 for each subsequent
At the fourth level of damage will be: 65/130/260/520 + 50 for
each subsequent accumulation
Charge : 3
Requires Mana : 50
radius of destruction: 150
Range poison : 1500
: you have the opportunity to " blow up " all the poisons at once,
causing accumulated damage
Number cup figures show over the hero / creep
Purge - Active
Eredar ppoizvodit
moguschectvennoe demonicheckoe charity, cnimayuschee all together polozhitelnye
effekty c goals for . Ono octanavlivaet Objective 2 nA cekundy , after, chego
cleduyut 2 cekundy zamedleniya . B kontse ochischeniya goals for nanocitcya upon
Damage : 200/300/400
Charge : 50
Requires Mana :
a) the specifics on the use of skill
What you can
do Disruption?
1 . We use to
dominate the line
When you throws the enemy to the astral plane , he
does not get experience , then throw in the astral plane , and finish off the
creeps , while the enemy in the astral plane.
But need a lot of mana .
. Use for divorce enemies
Pretty standard
layout for the characters with the illusion. We throw themselves , appears , we
allocate one illusion and sends it somewhere far away , while they themselves
are one illusion and heroes go.
A chip that illusions are 150 % damage and
early in the illusion of an attack , she does not die very quickly. If the enemy
is not very smart - run for the illusion of a sweetheart, but after 6 seconds it
will disappear and leave him with his nose : P
3 . Use to avoid nyukov
When we throw Nyuk - hiding
in the astral plane and Nyuk flies past ( need a good response)
4. Use for Pusan
Well here is understandable . We
throw on the hero, whose most basic attributes ( morphs , jellyfish , pumped
Slarke , etc. ) and after the appearance of illusions pushim their buildings .
However , only six seconds, so it is best to apply after mixing , when the creep
started beating tover (or other buildings )
5. Utilized for exploration / divorce
In all there
are such situations : 5 characters on one side , 5 on the other. Neither one nor
the other team did not dare to start kneading for various reasons - there's no
one to shout " GO ! " no Zahir , panties , etc.
And then you can dissolve
enemies along the way conducting reconnaissance.
We throw the illusion of
the tank and after the cluck of one illusion that she was moving forward . If
you are lucky ( our opponents were all enemy heroes with one color or they are
pubic ^ _ ^ ) then illlyuziyu thrown mill / Nyuk , but if enemies sharyat then
zotya to reconnoiter the situation : if all went as a matter of mana , with
artami (sometimes no time appeared Dougher or BCB can spoil the whole
raspberries )
Soul Catcher
What you
can do Soul Catcher?
1 . Utilized to enhance the spells / attacks with hands
We throw on the enemy and beat , all the banal to the horror . Utilized
during the Ganges .
2 . Use repellents
We have been running an enemy? Do not know what to do with it? Roll over
illusions, and after the appearance of his soul Kutcher and beat with his hands.
The effect is impressive.
3 . Use for
The Allies did not know whom to focus in the Mix ? They Nuba !
: D
Roll the dough into a skill and hope for good luck. If additional damage
will be given to the hero - you're lucky , if not - try again , since the
cooldown allows.
Shadow Poison
1 . Use for Harass enemies
The most logical
application of skill . We throw on the line, preferably 5-6 times , and then
activate the poison. The enemy will get 300-400 damage . Repeat on the presence
of mana .
2 . Utilized as a means of dealing
damage in batch
When fighting players, we would be not to get into
the thick of battle , and distance spread castes . The poison has a great range
- 1500 and we can safely cast it and be all of the reach of enemies.
3 .
Utilized for the exploration
We throw
poison reconnoiters area, check the runes. 50 mana - a small price for valuable
information .
Demonic Purge
1 . Utilized during the Ganges
When Ganga throws
ultrastructure , soul Kutcher and beat with his hands. Simple
2 . Using line
If you are level 6 throw at the enemy
, use the soul Ketscher and cd throw poison . You need a lot of mana = )
3 .
Use to remove buffs
If you see an enemy
under hazardous bafami ( URSA under overpaverom , heroes under multicast , etc.
), then cast ultrastructure . At the same time can and will kill = )
. Skillbild , comments to him
IMHO the
ideal CO, with which you can stand and mid and double line
1 .
2 . Shadow Poison
3 . Shadow Poison
4. Soul Catcher
5. Shadow Poison
6. Demonic Purge
7. Shadow Poison
8. Soul Catcher
9 . Soul Catcher
10. Soul Catcher
11. Demonic Purge
12 .
Attribute Bonus
Attribute Bonus
16 . Demonic Purge
18 - 25 .
Attribute Bonus
Comments to skillbildu :
Downloading Shadow Poison for permanent Harass the enemy
and Soul catcher to increase the damage .
Disruption swing once at the first level , to hide from
nyukov and get the enemy . Since the time spent in the astral plane with the
pumping does not change, and the damage at the beginning of the heroes are not
very big, at the beginning of this skill is not much help . But the 16 level is
desirable to have Disruption at least the third level , that
illusion was applied at least half of the damage .
Purge we take as a given, since it is an ideal skill for the Ganges
Downloading poison and pluses . Leads creeps , make
double- Spawn Pharm . 8 minutes have Gnoll 6 and a half level and 1400 gold in
your pocket.
More information about the neutral and pumping the timber can
be read
) The initial purchase
1 option
purchasing, Team .
We play a support role , but if a chicken bought at a savings of 200 coins
In more or less skillovyh games, he has come in handy on the first level.
Option 2 procurementNot too
skillovaya game
When the chicken is not needed , or if you are going to cook Bracero / nuly
/ do not like to stick
On the first money
As soon as we nafarmlivaem first money , we
voznimaet questions - what to buy ? Here's my version of the purchasing for the
first hard earned :
Stick - in difficult situations helps .
Urn - gives manaregen +
treatment + little lives
Wind - a very big help. Gives extra regen + dizeybl
2,5 seconds. If we will Gangan , then one will cast the astral plane , the
second in the wind , and the third in the ultrastructure and flee.
Boot - No
comments .
) Choice of footwear
So, we have 4 types of shoes. Each of them represents a different style of
game, well, footwear discuss each separately .
Travel .
Good choice in Leyte , when you need DEF and often run a lot , when
the number of slots gradually declining. But in the beginning , after the main
purchase we do not need .
Total - - in
the beginning - no, pour in a deep - yes.
Phase .
Quite a good choice if you want to hurt dominiruete and beat the
opponent, but keep in mind that our problems with life and mana Phase decide .
Total - on request.
On the one hand - increases mana and gives us virtually infinite
source of it , but let 's calculate : Arch restores 110 mana every 45 seconds ,
but we spend about 50 mana every 3 seconds , then Regena of lassos , we simply
not enough.
Total -
undesirable .
Threads .
IMHO the best choice for gnoll . Since we are always able to
balance the bonus lives and mana , and if we consider that we will have more and
peach - Regena always be the dam.
Plus bonus attack speed will help us
quickly cramming enemies under our Ulta and soul Kutcher .
The result - the
best choice .
) Purchase of a mid -game
With the onset of mid -game , we
must select a primary artifact , which should be collected .
So , here's
what can be collected :
Gnoll - antikerri . when the enemy Kerry already has a few artifacts at the
+ to the article, 120 % damage from copies are fucking synergy with Hecks , and
3.5 seconds Gnoll can literally bring the full potential of Kerry against him
(especially pleasant to look at Maginn with scorched illusions mana ). And it is
worth a little more expensive Hecks links, it is sometimes useful to be useful
after the purchase of peach and Ultimate orby parse peach and dosobirat Hecks .
But Hecks to gather, when your team is dominant and have the opportunity to
accumulate immediately in 2700 by a mystic, if not possible, then
If your team under pressure , then collect Orchid . His aktivka , will shut
very dangerous enemies , and perhaps even bring mixture .
In general ,
collect in the Middle game of something to regen mana and help the team.
) possible artifacts
What else can gather Gnoll ? Let's
You can collect if you
do not have enough lives .
can collect to help the team. If you 're building up, then ask someone from your
mages collect Muku . Together, these artifacts look better . But to gather them
together to one hero - not very.
mobility , rapid movement , survival .
As an alternative to
Daguerre . If you can not nafarmit 2150 gold at a time - gather force stuff ,
but remember: just push the 500 range , at a time as Daguerre moves for 1000
range . So think thrice before you buy.
If you have many
enemies nat damagerov (heroes , beating with hands) , you can buy a scepter.
With it you can safely cast for some time .
How perverse
alternative Orchid . If some enemies nat damagery without mills (which is very
unlikely) , then collect the Shiva , it greatly increases your mana , armor ,
and give useful slowdown , which together with our Ulta - a fairy tale .
) unwanted artifacts
In skill and so
little cooldown
Not improve
ultrastructure - a waste of money
We are not
Carrie, we are Arta not help . It is better to collect Hecks / Orchid .
the game ( 1-7 levels)
We can stand on any line. If no
rules soloist - we go the MFA, but the line is better to go with some Stubner /
zamedlyalschikom to realize their potential to the maximum .
At the
Foreign Ministry just standing , trying to lasthitit , go down the enemy with
poison . Most interestingly, some not yet fully understand the mechanics of the
poison . And be very happy to Kila on unsuspecting opponent . ( go down like
poison cd better with 3 levels , but with a perfect 5)
At level 7 go Gangan
. Gangan way : from the forest throw poison allies throw mills / deceleration ,
we continue to throw poison on the cd, incidentally kastuem on one enemy
ultrastructure , the second increase in damage . When the poison is 5-6 ( when
you slow down and the tail 3 heroes not just dodge the poison ) activate the
poison button E
Returning to the Foreign Ministry , we
continue to farm on the wind, Threads and the urn with sticks .
Gangan on cd
Ulta and regen mana . If you love
Gangan , the runes must take often .
On the double line all the easier.
At level 1 you can try to make a FB with the astral plane , if ally competently
stun / slow . If not done - not scary . Farm level 3 and buy along the way
regeneration (and later make a mask box ) and begins to slowly poison spamming .
2-4 would be enough to scare opponents and that they no longer feel comfortable
. To get 100% poison throw him out of the woods , or throw after the astral
plane , in general , experiment and you'll get .
Game ( 8 - 16 levels)
Time Ganges and mixtures. Our finest
hour . The poison has caused great damage, Soul Catcher and ultrastructure
excellent show themselves in the Ganges , the illusions of the astral plane also
gradually magnifies .
In our task to throw dough ultrastructure in
probafanogo Leith enemy , to slow and weaken the latter .
Atran flies into a
hero with the biggest performance (
the hero with useful Passive (
Or you can throw in the tank , so for some time to distract opponents .
at Ulta good fit.
Game ( levels 16 + )
Here already we are a support net .
Kastuem enemies poison on cd ultuem , increased damage , incidental or use Hecks
Orchid , or both , and then pushim illusions of the astral plane.
Quite a
lot of tactics is painted above, in the application of skills.
Combinations with other heroes
Gnoll + nyuker
The line
can mess things up a lot of trouble . Gnoll increases the damage on the hero -
nyuker kills with bonus damage.
Gnoll + heroes
with decelerations
Very unpleasant line opponents . Gnoll casting astral ,
zamedlyalschik fits better, Gnoll increases the damage on the enemy - frag .
All written quite primitive , but the basic principle I think is
understandable . Astral - Damage increased - mill - Kill . The poison of choice.
Gnoll + characters with a
lot of articles ( characteristics )
Among those heroes we are doing our
first illusion of skill . Illusions obtained thick , quickly beating a pity that
only 6 seconds = (
) review enemies Gnoll and how to deal with them
Heroes of the
To deal with them easily. Usually, these characters go on one , so
that they are not frozen and not to share their experience . Say it in for it
thanks =)
We throw them in the astral plane and immediately use
Teleportation is 3 seconds , astral effect 2,5 .
Nyukery , Stubner .
them more difficult . There will astral and Dougher , but if they are stupid ,
and if smart, then suddenly attack , and two or three people .
Then only
will the phrase "miss" from allies .
Heroes from silenced.
Unpleasant opponents. In the batch will not give anything skastanut , ask
timy cut them first .
The most
unpleasant adversary. If literate - will Gangan you on cd Ulta , and aganimom it
will be very often. Beware of him and often look at the map.
Slarke .
terrible enemy . He has immunity to Demonic Purge and Soul Catcher ( his first
skill ) , he just jump on you and sest . And even not be able to run = (
Black King Bar
The most most dangerous enemy. All our skills applied
based on magic, and this thing gives her immunity . Remove it from the bunkers :
Main findings and conclusions
So , sum up .
1) We
have a fairly interesting and original character
2) Three out of four of his
skill are relevant throughout the party
3 ) We now have a hero- Gnoll = )