Boush, The Tinker
Strength 17 + 2
Agility 13 + 1.2
Intelligence 27 + 2.2
Affiliation: Neutral
Attack Animation: 0.35 / 0.65
Damage: 49 - 55
Casting Animation: 0.53 / 0.5
Armor: 3.9
Base Attack Time: 1.7
Movespeed: 305
Missile Speed: 900
Attack Range: 500
Sight Range: 1800 / 800
Hero Introduction
Goblin engineering was always innovative, but Boush brought it to such extreme that most refuse to believe that his powers lie in machine and rather think that he fights with magic. He can shoot focused light and homing projectiles as powerful and as flashy as most destructive Elven Arcane spells. It is said that not even the best Necromancers can raise armies comparable to seemingly endless amount of clockwork goblins that Boush can easily summon. And while some refuse to believe in his machinery skills and other call him the master artist of engineering, none can deny the destructive force of this goblin.
1 - All parts accounted for.
2 - Warcry
3 - Whatya got?
4 - I'm all geared up.
5 - The engine's running.
6 - All systems go!
7 - Let's roll out.
8 - I'm on top of it.
9 - I can handle that.
10 - Yeah, baby!
11 - Death!
12 - You're terminated!
13 - You have ten seconds to ...
14 - Heyaaa!
15 - I'm more than meets the eye.
16 - *ding* Uh-oh! My tinker-bell!
17 - Yeah, it runs on 220, 221, ...
18 - She'll hold together. Hear ...
19 - *rattle* Bad noise! That's a ...
20 - *creak* *boom* Ooh, gonna ...
21 - I've got a rocket in my pocket.
22 - That guy is nuts, grab him.
Skill Build
Level 1-8-Laser/Homing Missles
Level 9-Stats
Level 10-Rearm
Level 11-Rearm
Level 12-15-March of Machines
Level 16-Rearm
Starting Items
Core Items
Luxury Items
Skill Build
You don't HAVE to follow it, you can take MoM early for more lane control if you want. I don't recommend it. Laser and rockets early for ganking/possible first blood. With said combo you deal compareable damage to Lina's first two nukes together. Rearm becomes more viable once you have more mana, so you take it later.
MoM provides mid-to-lategame lane control, and helps against Roshan. 1 level of Stats before Level 10 is just to give a boost to mana and health, which helps support Rearm.
Tinker is pretty good on his own, he just needs boots to add survivability and more speed for ganking. When you finish BoT, you still need health so grab a couple bracers and you're good to go. Rearm affects items, remember this fact. Mana is to support his massive mana consumption(duh).
Stay back early game, harass but always keep enough mana for one spell. Gank a lot. You can roam well with BoT once you finish them, so go ahead. With BoT you can chase, but don't dive too far into the towers. Remember the unfair range on your missles, you can fire from behind trees, while chasing, you name it. If you play correctly, 1 pair of rockets can send enemy heroes scurrying back to base in fear of a gank. When it gets to that point, you've won. Congratulations
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