1. Introduction
2. Stats
3. Spells
4. Skill Build
5. Item Build
6. Foes, Food and Allies
Well hello again my Dota citizens and welcome to my beloved Thrall guide. This guide you will read now will have the honour to be my first real guide. With real I mean a guide which will be constantly updated. I know my previous guide heroes have had some changes and I know I didn't update it (also because I got a lot of work but that actually may not be an excuse) but that time is over, from today all my guides will be updated into every detail you guys expect! I hope you will further enjoy my guides I will release and I hope they will help a lot!
Hero Class: Far Seer
Hero Name: Thrall
Movement Speed: 300
Hero Type: Intelligence
Starting Armor: 1
Starting Damage: 49-53
Range: 600
Agility: 15 + 1.4
Strength: 19 + 1.9
Intelligence: 22 + 2.5
The History of Thrall
Being raised by humans as a gladiator, Thrall learned more about strategy and tactics as a youth than even experienced orcish warchiefs learned in their lives. After escaping from the human slavery and meeting Grom Hellscream, he found out that he was a descendant of the Frostwolf clan.
He traveled to his ancestor's village, where he became familiar with the spiritual magics of the orcish shamans. Now he combines not only his control over thunder, but also his tactical abilities to turn fights in his favor using impenetrable walls of magic, areas of static energy and even control over time.

Thunder Strike
Thrall curses the target to be struck by thunder 3 times over 4 seconds. Foes nearby the victim will also be damaged.
Damage per strike: 50/75/100/125
Secondary AOE: 200
Cooldown: 16
Manacost: 100/110/120/130
Comments:Very good spell for both rushing and killing running enemies. A must get in early game.

Thrall forces the target back to it's previous position through a psionic rift. Sends the unit to where it was 4 seconds ago.
Cast Range: 600/1000/1400/1800
Cooldown: 60/50/40/30
Manacost: 160/130/100/70
Comments: Is some how like Kunkka's X marks GG. However glimpse is a way better. The glimpse effect has some travel time, the target isn't instantly moved back.

Kinetic Field
Thrall summons a circular barrier of kinetic energy, keeping enemies from walking in or out of it. The barrier has an aoe of 300.
Has a 1.2 second cast delay before the field is fully formed.
Duration: 2.5/3/3.5/4 seconds
Cooldown: 14
Cast Range: 900
Manacost: 70
Comment:Great sinergy with your spells. After the game you will say ,,OH GOD THANK YOU ICEFROG''. However is a bit hard to use it right.

Static Storm
Creates an area of electric instability which damages and silences enemies in the area. The effect starts off weak and then intensifies over 5 seconds, dealing increasing amounts of damage, before disappearing.
Final DPS: 170/210/250
AOE: 375
Manacost: 125/175/225
Cooldown: 60
Comment:This is your KABOOM spell. Even it is not so easy to use properly to deal full dmg to enemies, this spell is very effective in team fights and many others. The damage starts off slow and ramps up continuously until it reaches the max.
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4.Skill Build
1. Thunder Strike
2. Glimpse / Kinetic Field
3. Thunder Strike
4. Kinetic Field / Glimpse
5. Thunder Strike
6. Static Storm
7. Thunder Strike
8. Kinetic Field
9. Kinetic Field
10. Kinetic Field
11. Static Storm
12. Glimpse
13. Glimpse
14. Glimpse
15. Stats
16. Static Storm
Now the questions of the day, why do you get this skill build? Why you max out Thunder Strike right at the start? Why you not max out Kinetic field immediately if that is your build? Why you delay Glimpse till levels 11-14? Do you even use Glimpse? Is Static Storm usefull?
Why do you get this skill build?
Because I think this is the most efficient way to play my precious Thrall.
Why do you max Thunder Strike first?
Well, Thunder Strike is a great spell for rushing and klling enemy heroes. Because you are a ganker, every damage you deal counts. Of course, Kinetic Field is usefull too. But your level 4 Thunder Strike will ensure you a kill in early minutes of the game. Spamming this spell is the best way to make enemies have a bad time with you in lane. They will sure be angry.
Why you not max out Kinetic Field immediately if that is your build?
Because i think a 2.5 secound desable is enough to kill keep a hero in your Kinetic Field and killing him easy. Thunder Strike will damage him in this time and your allies will not stay and looking for girls. The heroes kept in the Kinetic Field are pure food for you and your allies. Max Kinetic Field after Thunder Strike is the best way for mid game gank.
Why you delay Glimpse till levels 11-14? Do you even use Glimpse?
Of course this spell is very good for your ganking potential. 1 level of Glimpse wll be enough for early game, when you will not use it so often like the other 2 spells. Use Glimpse every time is possible to ensure the death of your target. This is a counter gank spell too.
Is Static Storm usefull?
Yes it is. Why? Because it will silence and damage the enemy. This spell work perfectly with your Kinetic Field and Glimpse. Use this spell in team fights. With his low cooldown, you can use it every time you want, even for killing a single hero. This spell makes you a real Far Seer.
Early Game
Early Game look for kills with Kinetic Field/Thunder Strike and be aggressive in lane. If an enemy hero comes into range of tower place a Kinetic Field down and glimpse them into the range causing them to take more damage. Once level 6 rolls around keep farming but carry a TP scroll look for opportunities to help gank/counter gank.
Middle game
Middle game you should start roaming more looking for kills, wards are you friends since vision is a key to ensure victory. Try to focus on a carry hero and remember if someone TP’s to gank you can send them away with Glimpse which may take awhile due to the Glimpse visual projection. If you are having surviving issues grab a few bracers or even shoot for a bloodstone but work towards that Linken’s Sphere.
Late game
By now you should be staying with your team, even if you are underfarmed and underlevelled the best way to get gold is assist in hero kills/tower pushing. Try to get at least 3 heroes in Kinetic Field so you can isolate them for Thunder Strike & Static Storm and you can combo it with great ultimates such as Overgrowth, Black Hole, Reverse Polarity etc. You should unleash all your spells if you are dropping fast and not able to use them strategically.
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5.Item Build
We start with a Bracer / Null Talisman for stats. This might help for roaming and last hitting. Any combiantion of Bracers and Nulls are good for Thrall, since he will need them in the early game.
Power Treads is the best boots item for you , giving AS, MS and stats in the same time at low cost. A must buy.
Linken’s Sphere is a great item for Thrall since he needs survivability with regeneration and he may not be able to get the farm for other items with a high cost. Buy this every time you play Thrall and will ensure you a good game.
Shiva’s Armor is great, Thrall has terrible armor as is and adds a slow to Thrall’s arsenal.
Force Staff is a hit or miss but nonetheless fun, you can push heroes into Kinetic Field or push them closer to you and farther into Static Storm but takes a bit of practice for timing.
Eul's Scepter of Divinity is a great item for using your aoe spells right , dealing full damage to enemy units. Use it first, and then cast your spells around the Cycloned unit. This will help you kill the unit faster with no mystakes.
Guinsoo is perfect. Making this item is the best option for you. It gives another disable, perfect for your ganking skills. Try rushing this item after you made Linken's Sphere or Shive Guard. Or make it as last item but never skip it only if you will make Orchid, but never get both. Guinsoo is a very good item and Thrall will like a new stuff in his Items Bag.
Optional Items
If you want to have a great mobility for all lanes get this item. You can skip treads, but you must know u are safe any time and the enemies wont gank you untill they reach higher levels. However, you will have to farm a lot in order to get this item soon, before mid game, the ganking time.
Mekansm is a good item for you. In some parts of the game you will need to support your allies many times and this is perfect for you. Gives some nice armor and +2 stats. Maybe usefull somewhere. You can skip it if your team already have a healer and you want to make other type of items.
You will ask me why is this an optional item for our Far Seer. Well, your spells are oriented to aoe, and a good position of your Kinetic Field and Static Storm will change the fate of a battle. Sometimes you will need to be in the middle of the fight to cast your spells and catch as many enemies as you can in your spells. However, dont go for rushing this item because you will fail and you will not be able to buy your items like Perseverance or Treads first.
Damned gankers! What can i do? Oh right......the only way to have a great survivability is to get Linken Sphere. Oh, wait. If im attacked by dps heroes like Mortred, Ursa or Rikimaru what can i do? They deal mass damage in a few secounds and im fresh food for them. Buy HoT! It gives you much better surivability and give you the advantage in battles, since in late game you will have to push many times than ganking other heroes. A must buy if you are against late gamers with a very high dps.
Wanna have company? Dont like to be alone, only with your ugly creeps? Get this item. Great for supporting your allies in team fights. These Warlocks are perfect for you. You can deal a mass amount of damage in a few secounds with your spells + Warlocks. However you will need to practice using them properly to be 100% effective.
Replacement for Guinsoo if you hate it. Dont try to take both of them. One is enough.
6.Foes, Food and Allies
Without your spells you are useless. Their silence will make you REALY useless and you will be like a dog in a car. Try to avoid their silence or stay away from them untill your allies can come.
Dont mess with the bad guy. Stay away from him every time. Dont let him use his ultimate on you or you are dead. Your disables can be enough to keep him away from you, but be aware.
These guys will make you eat shit at breakfast. As you can see, they are all gankers and, because of your low hp gain, you will be fresh food to them. Try to get Linken as soon as posible if you are facing Lucifer.
This guy will just make you KO in a few hits. You need your mana and without it you are useless. Get it? Useless. Also, he can jump over your Kinetic Field. This is your main enemy.
This guy is your main ally. First, he can keep your enemies in the Kinetic Field, when you are using your Static Storm and Thunder Strike. Also, this guy have a KO spell, this will asure the enemy will die. One of your best ally.
Every hero who deal are great mass aoe damage in a few moments is your ally. Your Kinetic Field will help some of them to use their spells right and with no mistakes at all. Your combo spells willl ensure the victory in a team fight.
Two brothers in the battle field? WTF? Yes. With Chen you are making the Combo Whore team. With his slow it will be very easy to use your spells right. However, without a good farm in early parts of the game, i dont think you will have a great late game, for both of you. Try to have this guy in your lane because you will see it will work.
First of all I want to thank you all for your patience and for your long waiting, I hope I didn’t disappoint you guys with this guide, I tried my best to make it as best as possible. I hope you all enjoyed reading my guide and I hope you will leave comments for me in the future and also tell me what you think of this guide. Suggestions are welcome as always.
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