Nevermore The Shadow Fiend
-1- Introduction
-2- My hero rating
-3- The hero
-4- The skills
-5- Skill build
-6- Starting Items
-7- Guide to Shadowraze
-8- Roles
-9- Items
-10- Itembuild
-11- Early game Strategy
-12- Mid game Strategy
-13- Late game strategy
-14- Team Fights
-15- Nevemore MEDIA
-16- Conclusion
-1- Introduction
This guide is a detailed guide about one of the most challenging heroes in Dota. Nevermore the Shadow Fiend.
The guide is seperated in sections which analyze every aspect of the characters gameplay, abilities, constants, builds.
-2- My Hero Rating
Base Damage: IIIII
Gang Capability: IIIII
Carry Capability: IIIII
Nuke Capability: IIIII
Spell Capability: IIIII
Support Capability: IIIII
Deffensive Capability: IIIII
Range: IIIII
Vision: IIIII
Speed: IIIII
-3- The Hero
Hero Introduction
Shadow Fiend's only defense lies in his superb offense. After each life he takes,
he traps their soul to empower his attack damage with Necromastery. This allows him
to amass high attack damage. His ultimate Requiem of Souls can summon these souls out
to inflict great damage and slow anyone close to Nevermore. His unique Shadowraze allows him
to blast opponents in small areas, at three separate distances. The Presence of the Dark Lord also
makes enemies vulnerable to physical damage, passively reducing their armor. Deadly from a number
of distances, and vulnerable if caught off guard, Nevermore's positioning in battle is of utmost importance.
Hero Backround
A demon of the burning legion so abhorred that he makes the skin of even his
fellow demons crawl, Nevermore is a creature of the shadows that consumes the
souls of those around him. When the Shadow Fiend comes forth to battle, he augments
his power with the souls he has consumed, bearing down on his enemies with spiritually
enhanced attacks and powerful spiritual blasts. The Shadow Fiend is a terrifying opponent
whom few have survived, and those who have perished under his tyranny have faced the most
despicable fate of all.
Advanced Statistics:
Affiliation: Scourge
Attack Animation: 0.5/0.54 (time for animating the attack sequence)
Damage: 35 - 41 (base damage)
Casting Animation: 0.67/0.4 (time for animating the cast sequence)
Armor: 1.9 (base armor)
Base Attack Time: 1.7 (time between attacks:base)
Movespeed: 300
Missile Speed: 1200 (Speed of the "hit" of nevermore)
Attack Range: 500
Sight Range: 1800 / 800 (Day/Night)
From the above Advanced Statistics, i will note the very poor base damage, the medium attack range, and the night-time sight range wich
is a little further than "long" Shadowraze distance
1 - The night beckons.
2 - Your soul is mine.
3 - Greetings.
4 - What, mortal?
5 - What is it now?
6 - I must hunt soon.
7 - That was my plan.
8 - Agreed.
9 - Very well.
10 - You thought of that?
11 - I hunger!
12 - Death rages!
13 - Die!
14 - If I have wings, why am I always walking?
15 - *ring* Yes? Argh, for the last time: I'm a Dreadlord, NOT a druglord!
16 - This is not a dress. It's the standard Dreadlord uniform.
17 - Dress to kill... bleh.
18 - *ring* Yes? Darkness, hey what's up? The Demon Hunter left you a message? No ! I don't have his number.
19 - And then, after I overthrow this fool... Oh, hello! I- I didn't know you where there.
20 - Imbecile!
-4- The Skills
Gives the Shadow Fiend the power to desecrate regions in front of him at varying distances.
Learning Hotkey: Z / Casting Hotkey(s) Z/X/C / Ability Type: Active / Targeting Type: Instant
[Z] "Short" Shadowraze:
Mana Cost:
Cooldown: 10
Casting Range: 200
Arrea of Effect: 275
Targets Allowed: Enemies
Duration: N/A
The above remain same for each level
Damage: 75-----150---225---300
Level: 1-------2-----3-----4
[X] "Medium" Shadowraze:
Mana Cost:
Cooldown: 10
Casting Range: 450
Arrea of Effect: 275
Targets Allowed: Enemies
Duration: N/A
The above remain same for each level
Damage: 75-----150---225---300
Level: 1-------2-----3-----4
[C] "Long" Shadowraze:
Mana Cost:
Cooldown: 10
Casting Range: 700
Arrea of Effect: 275
Targets Allowed: Enemies
Duration: N/A
The above remain same for each level
Damage: 75-----150---225---300
Level: 1-------2-----3-----4
Whenever the Shadow Fiend kills a target, he stores the unfortunate soul inside of him.
For each stored soul he gains 2 bonus damage until his own death releases half of them from bondage.
Learning Hotkey: N / Ability Type: Passive / Targeting Type: N/A
Mana Cost:
Cooldown: N/A
Casting Range: N/A
Arrea of Effect: N/A
Targets Allowed: Any
Duration: N/A
The above remain same for each level
Damage Limit: 16---30--46---60
Level: 1----2----3----4
• Heroes, denies and neutral creeps also provide Bonus damage through Necromastery.
• The more souls Nevermore has, the more powerful Requiem of Souls will be.
Pressence of the Dark Lord:
The presence of such a horrible creature terrifies nearby enemies, reducing their armor.
Learning Hotkey: P / Ability Type: Passive / Targeting Type: N/A
Mana Cost:
Cooldown: N/A
Casting Range: N/A
Arrea of Effect: N/A
Targets Allowed: Any
Duration: N/A
The above remain same for each level
Armor Reduction: 2----3----4----5
Level: 1----2----3----4
• Fully stacks with other armor reduction abilities and auras.
Requiem of Souls:
Summons evil spirits around you dealing damage to units in the area.
Number of spirits is related to the number of souls stored and the movement/damage
reduction is related to the distance from the Shadow Fiend. Lowers movement speed and
damage of nearby units. The closer the units are the greater the effect.
Learning Hotkey: R Casting Hotkey: R / Ability Type: Passive / Targeting Type: Instant
Mana Cost:
Cooldown: 120/110/100
Casting Range: N/A
Arrea of Effect: 1300/1325/1350
Targets Allowed: Enemies
Duration: 5 seconds
Damage: 80/120/160
Effects: 15%/20%/25% Reduction
• Damage type: magical
• The amount of damage dealt is related to the number of souls captured with Necromastery.
• Requiem of Souls generates damaging lines around Nevermore, 1 per 2 souls stored, for a maximum of 30 lines.
• The closer the targeted unit is, the bigger the amount of lines affecting him.
• Reduces both movement speed and attack damage of units in a 700 AoE.
• This skill breaks invisibility a short time before it's released. (lothars casted)
• This skill has a 1 second cast time
For all spells all time depended constants are messured in seconds (s)
A few comments for the skills:
Shadowraze: Since i will analyze further this skill for now lets just say that it is your primary nuking spell.
Necromastery: An ability that balances Nevermore's poor base damage. This skill must be used with the knowledge of last hits, and denies. It is the second primary
skill after shadowraze. Not only it gives you extra damage which can be more helpfull with your last hitting/denying but it can be usefull in early game,
because you will be able to kill oponents, or harrass them more easily.
Pressence of the Dark lord: A late game ability. Combined with other armor reduction effects can be devastating in team fights. Reducing the armor of your opponent
is vital for more damage with your RoS (Requiem of Souls) ability as well with your psychical damaging ability (PDA, hits :P)
Requiem of Souls: The biggest damage dealing spell in the game. Excellent AoE capability, supreme damage, great colldown, good mana cost, invaluable effect.
This spell not only mass damages your oponents but it also reduses their movement capability and their damage. Remember these reduction are effected on units
close to nevermore (700 range, aproximetly half of the spells AoE) A very usefull spell in team fights. Usually combined with either, Lothar's Edge, Black King Bar,
or Dagger of escape in order to either make a stealth cast, make an uninteruptable cast, make a sudden cast to surprize enemies.
But these items also have their cons which are:
Lothars Edge: Easily bendable with gem/dust/wards
Black King Bar: The enemies have visual of you from the time you begin to aproach the point which you decide to cast and your casting, so they
have time to run away.
Dagger of escape: Yes you make a surprizing entry but you will be visually seenable and vulnearable in stuns, and other CC's.
But there are some combinations for the perfect cast, such as:
Dagger of escape + Black king Bar
Lothars edge + Black King Bar
Dagger of escape + Linken's Sphere
Force Staff + Black King Bar
Lothars edge + Black King Bar
Dagger of escape + Linken's Sphere
Force Staff + Black King Bar
These are the best combinations for the most devastating casts.
Now you may have heard it before that the closed you are to Nevermore the more damage you will receive from RoS. But some of you may not have
understand that. In the screenshot bellow you will be able to fully understand why this happens
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-5- Skill build
In general every skill build is correct, but in nevermore to me there are only 2 skill-builds at which you can play this hero, without ruining him.
The first is the build i do in every nevermore-game because i am a semi-carry/ganger player and i just cant have a hero with the nuking abilities of
nevermore and not gang
but strong enough to defend your lane. So the second build i will present you is for stronger laning, and farming.
First (Gang based build) *Main Ganger*
Level 1: Necromastery (lvl 1)
Level 2: Shadowraze (lvl 1)
Level 3: Shadowraze (lvl 2)
Level 4: Necromastery (lvl 2)
Level 5: Shadowraze (lvl 3)
Level 6: Necromastery (lvl 3)
Level 7: Shadowraze (lvl 4)
Level 8: Necromastery (lvl 4)
Level 9: Requiem of Souls (lvl 1)
Level 10: Pressence of the Dark lord (lvl 1)
Level 11: Requiem of Souls (lvl 2)
Level 12: Pressence of the Dark lord (lvl 2)
Level 13: Pressence of the Dark lord (lvl 3)
Level 14: Pressence of the Dark lord (lvl 4)
Level 15: Attribute Bonus (lvl 1)
Level 16: Requiem of Souls (lvl 3)
Level 17: Attribute Bonus (lvl 2)
Level 18: Attribute Bonus (lvl 3)
Level 19: Attribute Bonus (lvl 4)
Level 20: Attribute Bonus (lvl 5)
Level 21: Attribute Bonus (lvl 6)
Level 22: Attribute Bonus (lvl 7)
Level 23: Attribute Bonus (lvl 8)
Level 24: Attribute Bonus (lvl 9)
Level 25: Attribute Bonus (lvl 10)
Second (Farm/laning based build) *Main Carry*
Level 1: Necromastery (lvl 1)
Level 2: Necromastery (lvl 2)
Level 3: Shadowraze (lvl 1)
Level 4: Necromastery (lvl 3)
Level 5: Shadowraze (lvl 2)
Level 6: Requiem of Souls (lvl 1)
Level 7: Necromastery (lvl 4)
Level 8: Shadowraze (lvl 3)
Level 9: Shadowraze (lvl 4)
Level 10: Pressence of the Dark lord (lvl 1)
Level 11: Requiem of Souls (lvl 2)
Level 12: Pressence of the Dark lord (lvl 2)
Level 13: Pressence of the Dark lord (lvl 3)
Level 14: Pressence of the Dark lord (lvl 4)
Level 15: Attribute Bonus (lvl 1)
Level 16: Requiem of Souls (lvl 3)
Level 17: Attribute Bonus (lvl 2)
Level 18: Attribute Bonus (lvl 3)
Level 19: Attribute Bonus (lvl 4)
Level 20: Attribute Bonus (lvl 5)
Level 21: Attribute Bonus (lvl 6)
Level 22: Attribute Bonus (lvl 7)
Level 23: Attribute Bonus (lvl 8)
Level 24: Attribute Bonus (lvl 9)
Level 25: Attribute Bonus (lvl 10)
Third (Laning/Gang/Farm based build) *Semi Ganger/Semi Carry*
Level 1: Necromastery (lvl 1)
Level 2: Shadowraze (lvl 1)
Level 3: Shadowraze (lvl 2)
Level 4: Necromastery (lvl 2)
Level 5: Shadowraze (lvl 3)
Level 6: Necromastery (lvl 3)
Level 7: Shadowraze (lvl 4)
Level 8: Necromastery (lvl 4)
Level 9: Attribute Bonus (lvl 1)
Level 10: Requiem of Souls (lvl 1)
Level 11: Requiem of Souls (lvl 2)
Level 12: Attribute Bonus (lvl 2)
Level 13: Attribute Bonus (lvl 3)
Level 14: Attribute Bonus (lvl 4)
Level 15: PotdL (lvl 1) [Pressence of the Dark Lord]
Level 16: Requiem of Souls (lvl 3)
Level 17: PotdL (lvl 2)
Level 18: PotdL (lvl 3)
Level 19: PotdL (lvl 4)
Level 20: Attribute Bonus (lvl 5)
Level 21: Attribute Bonus (lvl 6)
Level 22: Attribute Bonus (lvl 7)
Level 23: Attribute Bonus (lvl 8)
Level 24: Attribute Bonus (lvl 9)
Level 25: Attribute Bonus (lvl 10)
The above builds require different starting items thought and should be played as i described.
It will be stupid to max shadowraze in lvl 7 and not gang as it would be stupid to have lvl 2 shadowraze
at 7 and gang.
-6- Starting Items
603 gold as -all pick mode,
853 gold as -all random mode.
There different ways in which you can begin your game. I will show the correct items for soloing a lane from the "begginers" items to the most advanced items.
3x150 + 1x100 + 1x50 = 450 + 100 + 50 = 600 gold
The above items ensure a greater last hit/deny chance because they boost nevermores poor base damage by (9) and they provide with mass hit points heal and good mana pool recovery.
2x150 + 1x53 + 2x100 + 1x50 = 300 + 53 + 200 + 50 = 603
This build provides less damage for boosting but it gives you much more stamina in the laning.
Third and most advance build of all is this,
This build is for the player that knows how last hits are done extremly well, and is for the player that knows to play safe and strike his enemy down bit by bit.
Best build to my opinion if you have the guts and experience to use it, because it saves a lot of money.
-7- Guide to Shadowraze
Shadowraze is one of the most challenging spells in Dota. To my opinion even more challenging than the Meat hook, or Elunes Arrow, or Powershot.
They require perceptive, experience, mind reading, fast thinking, fast reaction, flexability and map awarness.
As said before the shadow razes are instant spells that damage a location to the direction (angle) the caster is facing, at various distances,
which are mentioned. But there is an easier way to remember the distances.
"Short" Shadowraze (Z) is damaging an area in from in front of Nevermore to aproximately to his attack range.
Which is logic if you think that nevermore has a 500 yard attack range.
(Z) Shadowraze is casted 200 yards in front of the caster and damages an area of 275 AoE. 200 + 275 = 475 which is close to his attack range.
"Medium" Shadowraze (C) is damaging an area arround his attack range.
It casts the ability at 450 yards (500 is attack range) and damages an area of 275 as well, which is a little less and a little more than his attack range.
"Long" Shadowraze (X) is damaging an area beyond his attack range. Casts the spell in a 700 yard range and again with 275 AoE damage ratio. Which means,
that the "Long" shadowraze damages enemies close to the range of hook! ( Hooks range = 1000, (X) Shadowraze range = 700, + 275 = 975 range damage)
These are some easy ways for begginers to remember where the razes strike, since most of the time in game you are hitting things so you get used to,
the attack range.
Shadowraze's problems:
It requires really fast thinking, because for example if an enemy is the range of your "short" shadowraze, and he is escaping and running away from you,
you will need to cast the "medium" shadowraze in order to do massive damage to him.
They require a percission in their targeting, since the only way to control them is where your hero is facing. When you are in an open place with a lot of
movement capability an easy way is to just target the enemy you want to strike, and then strike him. This will cause your hero to face the enemy and cast the raze,
however in smaller terrains, which could include, narrow passages, trees, cliffs, units all arround you, you must be able to make the hero face to the same direction
as your target in order to get a hit. The easier way to do this is the following.
Lets assume that you are in a place with many trees blocking your path and as a consiquense your aiming. What you do to make your hero face where you want to?
Click some times RIGHT in front of your hero, just outside the green selection circle under your hero, to the direction you want him to turn.
This method requires a lot of experience and working in order to succeed.
You also need to be carefull in obstables.
What are these obstacles?
They are everything on the map that you cannot walk in, within or on to. These could be, cliffs, trees, some decorative such as some impaled corpses, units.
If you are standing in front of them or one of them gets in your pathe while walking and aiming your hero will turn in order to avoid them and if you wont
be cautious enough the raze will fail.
How to avoid those? In time and with experience all can be learnt, however the easier way to avoid the failed-raze is to "Stop" it.
Raze has a casting time, small one but enought to cancel the spell.
If you press either Z/X/C and then press S = "Stop" before nevermore finishes his casting move(the one who raises both his hands above his head like a dancing figure :P)
it will stop the raze and you will have stoped a mistake from happening.
Shadowrazes in Movement:
If you remember everything i told you at the beggining of this paragrafh of how to calculate the distances of the razes you could then easily calculate which raze
to use in order to strike an enemy on the run. If an enemy is running towards you or running from you then that is the easiest case to just strike the razes.
The hard case is when the enemy is running diagonaly or vertical to your facing, then you will have to turn your hero in the direction of the enemy in order to get him.
TIP: If you see that you can strike a vertically moving enemy only with your "Long" Shadowraze then turn the hero a little more in order, to cast the raze
not in the position of the enemy but a little bit in front of him. Thats because by the time nevermore turned and casted, the enemy will be go further than
he is now, so if you target the area in front of the enemy by that time he will go there and you will strike.
Dagger of Escape and Shadowraze:
Now shadowrazes if striked all deal aproximately 900 damage. Large ammount of spellpower for an agility hero. Now your enemy isnt stupid, he will not just
sit there and wait for you to go and cast your "short" raze and he isnt either going to do you the favor of running and givine you the chance to cast
"medium" and "long" after. They will try to avoid the razes by any means nesscesary.
Kelens Dagger is a good choise for your shadowrazes, since you can for example strike him with a "long" raze, before he reacts you can blink next to him and
strike him with the "short" raze and deal to him 600 damage. Now then he will either panic and run which is the best case (casting "medium" raze) or he will stun you
(if he is a stunner) or attack you. In any case you can either attack back and wait for the other razes, you can either chase after him waiting for the "long" raze
(if he stuns you :P) etc etc.
Shadowraze VS map creeps
Casting 2 Shadowraze spells can kill any enemy creep, which means that with only 2 razes you can wipe out a whole wave of the enemies forces. Good for
There are some neutrals that will not be killed even with all three razes, such as centaurs, and furlogs. Any other neutrals are killed as easily as other creeps.
Shadowraze in laning
You must NEVER use your shadowrazes while they are still level 1, exept when there are 2 or more enemy creeps with less than 50 hit points and you do that
for kill them and get the gold/exp.
Shadowraze at that level does 75 damage, which is nothing. Also it costs 75 mp which is too much for nevermore's base mana pool.
You can start spamming the razes at your opponent when they reach lvl 2 and higher. In level 3 the razes deal 225 damage each, and can kill
almost any hero.
Shadowrazes VS stealthed enemies:
Razes are one of the easier skills to strike enemies stealthed because of they have the largest AoE, deal more damage and they are faster than any
other normal (not ultimates) spells that do AoE damage, such as lina's spells. So with a little experience and mind reading, you could pwn enemies even
while they are "safe" under their stealth abilities.
-8- Roles
In General Nevemore can take up to three different roles in a game.
-Main Carry
-Main Ganger
-Semi Ganger/Semi Carry
-Main Carry is the main farming hero which is susposed to farm the whole game in order to get the best of items and then deal the largest ammounts of damage.
Nevermore is often chosen for this role, for many reasons.
a.) He has a boosting damage ability
b.) He is an agility hero and a natural damage dealer
c.) He farms ridiculously easy
d.) He can also serve as a great spellcaster
e.) He needs items so he needs farm
-Main Ganger is on of the main roaming gangers in the game whos job is to gang enemies carry, and enemies in general.
Nevemore can fullfill this role because.
a.) Deals great ammount of damage in early game
b.) Despite roaming with 5 minutes of farm he will farm every creep in those 5 minutes so he will farm some medium items.
c.) His easy farm can make him a good warder
d.) He can damage multiple enemies at once
-Semi Ganger/Semi Carry is the player who gangs in early game, farms in middle game, and battles in late game.
This is the role i prefer to play and this is how i play Nevemore.
He can fullfill this role for the above reasons.
This style of nevermores gaming requires a solo middle laning, then at 5 level a gang top or bottom, then again at 7, and from that point,
he can go gangs until he goes 11 or 12.
Then he needs some good farming (until levels 15-16) and then he is ready to be a great damage dealer.
This way of gaming helps a lot a team and is the best to my opinion.
Game Strategy
Well your game strategy varies to the role you choose to play.
NOTE: Main Carry Role: = Second Skillbuild (paragraph -5-)
Main Ganger Role: = First Skillbuild (paragraph -5-)
Semi Ganger/Semi Carry: = Third Skillbuild (paragraph -5-)
-9- Early Game Strategy
Nevemore is one of the strongest heroes for soloing. It is also vital for him to solo a lane for the greater exp/gold
benefits. Under no circumastances can he be a "woods farmer" and very rarely he goes in a double lane.
So lets assume the best case you are soloing.
If you chose to play ganger or semi ganger then you must choose to
go in the middle lane. This is vital not only because from there you can access easily the other lanes but you can also
access easily the runes. Upseting in soloing the middle is that you lack the secret shops in the other lanes.
Now in order to fullfill the ganger/semi ganger role, you will need to keep in mind two simple things.
Lane Supremacy
In order to be effective in the game if you are a ganger you will also need to make sure that your lane-opponent isnt
taking any advantage over you or your team-mates. For example if you just leave your lane empty in order to gang, your
enemy will have a free lane to farm gold/exp which is bad. Make sure you kill at leaste once your lane-enemy or make him
go back before you leave for a gang.
So, lane control via harass
And roaming gangs.
Now how to choose where you gang?
You should gang where your allies need help the most, and where there are allies with stuns/slows/disables. This makes
a sure kill.
NOTES: Warding is great for rune abusing which are a big advantage in gangs.
So in your early game you should just harass your oponent, make as many last hits/denies as possible (cant do a lot
of the harass you must do) and then at level 3 or 5 try to kill your enemy or send him back.
At level 5 you should be able to do your first gang.
Then just return to your lane farm, try to kill your oponent again, and then at level 7, begin to roam in other lanes
to ruin your allies lane-opponents.
TIP: Nevemore has poor health/mana pool, so some regens are a MUST-HAVE. Such as magical bottle,potions etc.
However you may choose to play as a Main Carry. In that case you will need to solo a diferent lane than middle
judging from your side. In public games you will likely have a double lane to go against but that should not worry you.
Level the skills as i indicated before, play as safe as you can and do not attemp to kill your enemies just make sure they
dont kill you and if nescessary damage them a bit. With Necromastery lvl 3 and RoS lvl 1 at level 6, you will be able to,
make a descend deffense by your self in nescessary.
Last hits/Denies are the A and the Omega of this game strategy. There is nothing else in your mind than farming and advancing
more than any other player in the game.
Let your goal be 800-1200 gold per 3 minutes
-10- Middle Game Strategy
Ganger Role: At this stage of the game which is arround level 10-11 to level 14-15 you should have ganged a lot, should
have farmed in a small rate but from the kills/assists (according to the new system) you will have made a descend farm
and you should have enough items to nuke the RoS in a team fight.
This time of the game is of utmost importance to you. You will need to "pick" enemies who farm alone and un protected,
and if possible you should try to claim the Aegis of Immortal, and push your oponents lanes at leaste to their second-line
of towers.
However teamfights should be done with extreme caution unless you have lead your oponents to the brink of leaving/ffing :P
In a normal game which is "won" at the early stage this is the stage for your opponents to make a dynamic comeback.
If you let your guard down your personal as well as your team game could be easily leveled.
Keep gangs, if not possible focus on farm, and try to avoid teamfights in open spaces.
About teamfights later on.
Semi Ganger/Semi Carry Role: By the time you reach middle game, you should have fullfilled your ganging duties allowing
your team to aquire lane controls and push their lanes. You should have made a decend farm from kills/assists and you
are ready now to take on your Carry Role. Let your team continue the gangs and pushes while you are farming everywhere you
Farming is easy with nevermore and if you use a BoT you can easily farm every lane. By the time the game goes to late
(levels 16 ++ ) you will have farmed that much you will be able to make the difference in team fights
Carry Role: At this stage of the game you should have farmed a lot. And by a lot i mean at least 3 major recipes. In this
stage of the game you can either continue farming for onother 2-3 levels, or if you are so confident seak out team-fights
and lane-pushings in order to gain domination over the game.
-11- Late Game Strategy
In the late game (levels 16 ++ ) you have to seak out major team-fights, large lane pushings, and enemy base siege.
With the early and middle game strategies you will be able to be descent in all of these actions.
Try to end the game quickly for a certain victory. Gather your team, fight your enemies push them in retreat and raze their
base to the ground.
-12- Team Fights
Now in Team Fights nevemore is a cornerstone of an assured victory. However nevermore is a big thread for his enemies
so it is normal that yhey will focus their disables and their nukes to him. So in order for you to be of great damage to
them you need yo be carefull. In order to use RoS as more effective as possible try to cast it in the middle of the fight,
so it will do more damage to all enemies and slow them all down. A combination of items could be helpfull.
Nevemore after casting the RoS his job is to deal as much damage as possible using his nuking spells (razes) and his
massive damage hits.
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