Introduction And some words about the hero
Yurnero is one of the most fun heroes to play in the game.His skills synergies really well making him an unstoppable DPS early to mid game. Yurnero is also an awesome lane controller along with a support taking some really handy early kills with his blade fury.
Late game his ultimate dominates but he also needs items to be more effective.Items are not a big problem considering his early game success.
Let me show you the modern playstyle of the yurnero in this guide. He has fast become my favorite hero in the world of dota and dota2.
Hope you enjoy the reading!
NOTE: This guide does not aim to teach new players how to own with this hero. This guide is dedicated to more experienced player with some years experience that want to have fun and win their games.
For infos about this hero general press HERE (Skills - Attributes - etc)
Pros and Cons of this hero
[+] Excellent early game
[+] Great laner along with a support
[+] Big DPS early to mid(Blade furi and Omnislash)
[+] Fun Hero to play
[+] One of the best if not the best aoe heal in the game
[+] Good starting moving speed - Attack animation
[+] Critical strike with high success of procing
[-] Farm dependable later
[-] Fragile early/Not a REAL escape mekansm
[-] Needs a good lane partner to utilize his early game DPS
[-] Can be out-carried by other late game carries
[-] You are either gonna fail or dominate with him
[-] Low mana early game
So i heard you want to play Yurnero.. Are you SURE?
Play yurnero if:
[>] You can hold your aggressiveness
[>] You can farm(I mean it..)
[>] Have a lane partner preferably disabler to support you
[>] Want to have some fun ^_^
[>] Feel Ninja
Don't play yurnero if:
[<] You cant farm at least 3 creeps per minute(5 preferably)
[<] You dont understand where to stop
[<] You are a skill spammer
[<] You dont know how to adapt in every game
Overall I would say Yurnero is a Semi-Carry/Ganker.
Alt Tab Guide
Starting Items:
Against Extreme Harass
Early Game Items(3-10 Min):
(Buy them with the order shown preferably)
Special Mention:
Mid Game Items(10-25 Min):
Now You have to decide:
Getting harassed always low hp?
Enemies Tanks or with big life? Then
Enemies Crappy Supports/Low life?
Too much int/mana going around?
Late Game Items:
Playing Style in words:
Farm and kill early game with your lane partner.Get soul ring always to use your heal and all you skills early game. Don't spam your ultimate if not sure kill. Mid game gank and push the lanes with your healing ward. If you go for HotD as orb buy it before your radiance. Radiance is CORE!(if you want to know why see the complete guide). Never miss team fights. Always Carry a teleport scroll with you so you can farm over-pushed lanes and then blade fury and tp out!Late game focus on killing supports so you can build one or more luxuries. When you have you strong items push the lanes.
In Depth Guide
Skill Build-> Well there isn't just one skill build at no hero so does yurnero can be played in different ways. I will present you the most famous skill builds for yurnero and I'm gonna try to explain them too.
Skill Build Num - 1 The Staying on lane Skill build.
LvL 1 ->
LvL 2 ->
LvL 3 ->
LvL 4 ->
LvL 5 ->
LvL 6 ->
LvL 7 ->
LvL 8 ->
LvL 9 ->
LvL 10 ->
LvL 11 ->
LvL 12 ->
LvL 13 ->
LvL 14 ->
LvL 15 ->
LvL 16 ->
LvL 17+ ->
Thoughts Behind This Skill Build~>
This Skill build will give you the maximum power of your early game nuke(Blade Fury) and also a level in stats thus some more mana. The healing ward is taken at level 4 so you can spam it with your soul ring. This will allow you to push the lane - survive in fights - regen after fights - farm neutrals
Skill Build Num - 2 The extreme pushing Skill build.
LvL 1 ->
LvL 2 ->
LvL 3 ->
LvL 4 ->
LvL 5 ->
LvL 6 ->
LvL 7 ->
LvL 8 ->
LvL 9 ->
LvL 10 ->
LvL 11 ->
LvL 12 ->
LvL 13 ->
LvL 14 ->
LvL 15 ->
LvL 16 ->
LvL 17+ ->
Thoughts Behind This Skill Build~>
In some rare cases especially in cm mode, your team needs you for your awesome healing aoe spell for mass pushes from the start. This item build will provide you the max of your heal and some really nice mana early on. A level of blade fury is taken at level 9 to use it as an escape and evade mekansm along with a TP.
Benefits of this skill build: Pushing like a boss - never go to fountain -team-player. Recommended for a team that wants to end the game as fast as possible.
Of course as I mentioned there are other item builds than the two above but the most popular are these.
Now that you know what abilities to skill you have to go with the flow of the game. By that I mean choosing the correct items and play-style will lead you to the victory.
Early Game Tips and Advices:
Your starting items have to be items that will help in your
a) Survivability
Starting of by 3 GG braches is always a solid way to build your hero.Then you have to consider then enemies. Do they have a ton of range heroes?Do i have a good lane mate? If the lane is hard(getting harassed) then a stout shield is the way to go.If you have a great partner in the lane then you will have to maximize your farm, thus quelling blade will help you a ton at last hitting and creep equilibrium. A salve and some tangos are always handy too.
Your playstyle early game should be aggressive at the correct times. By that i mean dont go no brainer blade fury GTFO FTW :P in 2 alone, you will end up not killing anyone and getting killed. Focus on the farm and kill when you and your lane mate is ready to use full force on the weaker enemy.
Look here for example I will use one of LFk's replays playing yurnero(replay in the end)
We see Here Yurnero with a dazzle are laning against a Shadow Demon and a Witch Doctor. Their lane is pretty solid.

Yurnero understands he has to take them from behind and surprise them so he hides in trees/fog

At the correct time he goes out of fog and gets disrupted by shadow demon. Witch doctor is far away thus he cant escape now..

Without getting any problems he uses blade fury after witch doctor

And witch doctor dies helpless...

Thats a good example of how your kills should be early game.
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Yurnero understands he has to take them from behind and surprise them so he hides in trees/fog
At the correct time he goes out of fog and gets disrupted by shadow demon. Witch doctor is far away thus he cant escape now..
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Without getting any problems he uses blade fury after witch doctor
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And witch doctor dies helpless...
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Thats a good example of how your kills should be early game.
Rather than that focus on last hitting.
If you lane is pushed and they are hanging behind their tower taking last hits, in order to maximize your farm, creep pull.
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You can also farm neutrals with your healing ward(easy spammable with soul ring.)
At the end of Early game approximately around 10 min you should have your soul ring (that's gonna help you farm with blade fury - farm neutrals with healing ward - escape teamfights - heal your teamates in teamfights - use your ultimate with no mana problems).You should also have your phase boots(Really good item for last hitting - chasing - ganking and synergies with blade fury just remember to blade fury first then activate phase!)
Mid Game
Here is when you should have enough damage to take down everyone in one on one fight we both physical hits but Blade Fury and Omnislash too..
Your core item build is:
And yes guys this is the new shit for yurnero.Let me explain you why.. The damage is awesome along with the critical strike also the burst damage is the top teamfighting damage in the stage you are buying it.
If you are still not sure why i include radiance as a core item let me compare it with the old school Battle Fury.
Battle fury gives you +5 damage and some health and mana regen along with the cleave. Im telling you that health and especially mana regen are useless because of the cheap early soul ring. Battle fury is considered a farming item because of the cleave but in teamfights lets be honest you are not gonna cleave them just beacause you are not gonna find them all in the cleave aoe and they are gonna disable you. Whereas! the radiance burst damage will hit them and will give you huge advantage in teamfights, not to mention the use of burst damage even in farming..
Overall i dont say battle fury is a bad choice but we are talking about a level of pub that players win the games through teamfighting. In other words if you are playing against low skilled players battle fury may be better.
HP Boost!
You have 2 choices here!
What to buy?!?!?!
Start of with stout shield if you are planning to go for vanguard thus a quick radiance. If you are planning on not buying radiance or you consider the consequences of buying a more expensive item earlier buy Sange and Yasha.
You can choose one of these orbs:
Things to consider! : Choose your orb before farming radiance! Some orbs is better to be taken before radiance or even REPLACE it!(Considering the enemies)
Radiance ideal buying time is before 30 min. If you are too late or you haven't farmed good, SKIP IT!
Play-style mid game:
Focus more on pushing and ganking than farming but also don't stop farming at all! You are and item dependable hero that gains some gold from pushing and killing but more importantly Farming!
Gank their supports with your team and proceed in pushing afterwards..
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Try to last hit tower so you can gain more gold.
Late Game
Later you should focus on pushing and completing your luxuries
Special Mention/Consider Items:
(I wouldn't recommend this but try it on your own risk. Once at core now just a pour option...)
(I think HotD is the way to go but! If you team consists of a lot melees, its a viable option..)
(Good option to help your team and debuff your enemies but i think Deso is just enough if you want to debuff your enemies..)
(Late game blade fury doesn't deal serious damage and you want your to right click so bkb gives you some extra health - damage and the avatar ability that's gonna allow you to hit w/o getting disabled.
Rejected Items:
(You dont need Critical! you already have!)
(Double Ulti is cool! No it's waste of money. Buy Manta instead!
(I don't like the lateness of this item.Requires lots of farm and you have to push too.. Radi is enough early believe me!)
Mini Guide to Omnislash!
First of all we shall know that there is a possibly for juggernaut to proc extra attacks while using ultimate.
Let me Start off with these "boring" charts!
This chart shows the average number of extra attacks during omnislash!
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Note that this chart shows average values. For example for level 1 omnislash without aghanim's with %40 ias speed you will likely do 1 extra slash. But there is a possiblity of no getting any bonus slashes at all.
Also, Bonus Slashes means An Attack Made by Yurnero have all the properties of a normal attack. Where normal slashes do 150-250 damage.
If you dont understand the graph it actually says!
Omilash does a fixed amount of dmg 150-250 x 3-5-8 attacks (lvl 6 11 16) but you can do more attacks with arghanim.
You can do extra attacks if you have enough attack speed because you are not channeling!
This means you can orb effect too (desolator!)
this means you CAN USE ITEMS during omislash!
Omnislash with Scepter!
- Gives +2 More attacks at every level.
Omnislash Facts!
- Damage type: physical
- Interrupts channeling skills of the primary target.
- Each slash deals 150 - 250 damage, with an interval of 0.4 seconds.
- With enough attack speed, Yurnero can attack with his own attack strength while jumping around, in these attacks Yurnero can place buffs and trigger chance effects.
- The slashes can't be avoided by evasion. The normal attacks, however, can.
- You can use items while using Omnislash. (Blink - Shivas - Lothars - TP - etc)
- AOE 425
- Cooldown 130-120-110
- Manacost 200 - 275 - 350
Best Allies:
Rhasta and Yurnero combo is very traditional. Shackles and hex just allows you to rape the enemy.
Orgre's stun and slow along with the buff he has allows you to dominate every lane and make you even fearsome later.
Slow - disable - mana Regen ENOUGH SAID!
He Disables - Slows - DPS awesome combo for you
General every stunner - slower.
He disables his opponent and nukes him.
Slow - Armor - Nuke - Deny = Perfect laner
Worst Enemies:
This guys can eat you while you blade fury thus disable you.You dont take the damage but by the time he catches you you are dead.
He is not taking damage by your blade fury and omnislash with his decrepify.
His toss disrupts your bladefury
You dont want to be in that circled ultied!
He makes your useless with his de-mana and ultimate
Blinkers and Invis heroes.
Pretty much that's it.. If you play good you don't have to fear Nobody!
Last Helpful tips:
Omnislash does a mini-stun in the first slash.- Blade Fury makes you invincible to singe targeted spells.
- When in Blade fury or omnislash you can use items like dagger - teleport scroll etc..
- Healing ward is movable.
- Healing ward requires 1 hit to get destroyed
- Quote from LFK
Soul Ring is a necessary item, and should always be built. The most basic of its uses is enabling you to drop a healing ward for 'free', since you will recover more than 150HP off of even a level 1 HW. It permits you to use bladefury to farm whenever the ring is available. This accelerates your farm/push when free laning and allows you to assist your allies, without tapping out your mana. It enables you, at lower levels ~6, to use all three of your spells in combat without sacrificing one. Consider it a |
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